Black Panther Wakanda Metal Concept Art Movie

During an interview with Michel Martin on the radio program "All Things Considered," Danai Gurira (Okoye) said that the language spoken by Wakandans is a real language, Xhosa, a South African language characterized by clicks and glottal stops: "It's the same language that is native to Nelson Mandela. It's from the Cape region of South Africa. And Mr. John Kani, who plays T'Challa's father, T'Chaka, he's Xhosa. And so he - they started and agreed to that language being the language of Wakanda in Captain America: Civil War (2016)."

While in London (UK) promoting the film, Martin Freeman introduced his young son Joseph to his co-star Danai Gurira who played Okoye, the boy's favorite character in the film. According to Danai, the boy was so entranced by the experience he would not let go of her hand. Danai was deeply touched by how the film had so completely captured the imagination of one so young.

In response to being asked what it felt like being one of the only few non-black actors on set (and sometimes the only non-black actor on set), Martin Freeman said "You think, 'Right, this is what black actors feel like all the time?'". Freeman and Andy Serkis were known as the "Tolkien white guys" on set, since they also starred together in The Hobbit films.

Director Ryan Coogler compared the Wakanda vibranium mines to the real-life situation of the Congo mines, where the valuable mineral coltan (used in manufacturing digital products, found only in the Congo region) is being mined.

The Dora Milaje translates to The Adored Ones, a group of female soldiers who protect Wakanda. In the comics, each of the tribes sends their most powerful female fighters to join the Dora Milaje guard.

The Royal Talon Remote Pilot System is voiced by South African comedian Trevor Noah.

The Black Panther was created in July 1966, two months before the founding of the Black Panther Party. Many people mistakenly assumed the name referred to the Party, so the character was renamed the Black Leopard. However, neither the readers nor the creators cared for that title, and it didn't last long. However, the Black Leopard name gets a nod from T'Challa's battle paint at his inauguration fight.

Wakanda was seen as a location on a S.H.I.E.L.D. monitor in Iron Man 2 (2010). The location of Wakanda on the map shown in this film is west of Ethiopia, and in the same place as Southern Sudan.

To prepare for his role, Michael B. Jordan kept to himself while he was on set, reasoning that his character Killmonger is distant and in conflict with the other characters.

Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis played Bilbo and Gollum, respectively, in The Hobbit Trilogy. They were affectionately known on the predominantly black set as the "Tolkien White Guys."

(at around 39 mins) When Shuri gets T'Challa to test out his new "sneakers," you can briefly see a series of characters on the surfaces, written in Wakandan glyphs, which correspond to 26 letters in the Roman alphabet. When deciphered, the letters read "Heir Tchaka," a reference to T'Challa's lineage (his father being T'Chaka), as well as being a joke reference to a popular brand of basketball shoe ("Air Jordan").

When Killmonger breaks the spear he's holding to make it a hand-held weapon before he starts his challenge with T'Challa, it's a nod to the African warrior Shaka Zulu, one of the most famous military leaders in history. He couldn't understand why the Zulus would throw away their spears in battle, so he developed a short stabbing spear.

Black Panther is the first movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have its opening weekend domestic box office surpass its production cost. It cost $200 million to make, and its Thursday night, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday opening weekend domestic box office was $202 million.

The fighting in this film is based on African martial arts. The filmmakers also cited the action scenes in Creed (2015) and the Kingsman films as an influence on the style.

The scars on Erik Killmonger's body are a form of body modification called scarification, a dying tradition carried out by some African tribes. Some tribes use it as a form of identity/social status and some to mark milestones achieved in life; for Killmonger, each scar represented a person he had killed. Him doing this to his body can also be seen as a misguided way for him to connect with his African ancestry.

Comic book writer Jonathan Maberry, author of the DOOMWAR arc, first learned about apartheid as a young teen because of the Black Panther's appearance in the Fantastic Four comic (issue #119). This encouraged him to break away from the upbringing of his racist father (a member of the KKK in Philadelphia). The editors at Marvel did not know this when they offered him the job of writing the Panther comic. Maberry often cites the Panther as one of the most significant positive influences on his life.

Ryan Coogler describes the film's central theme as responsibility and identity: "What do the powerful owe those in need? It separates the good-guys from the villains. What value is strength unless you're using it to help someone? Wakanda pretends to be just another struggling African country, but some of its neighbors are struggling for real. If Wakandans don't stand up for themselves, who will? But if they stand only for themselves, then who are they?"

When Chadwick Boseman won Best Hero at the 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards, he invited James Shaw Jr., who is dubbed the Waffle House Hero by the media, up to the stage and gave him the award as he felt that he deserved it more. Shaw subdued a gunman at a Waffle House in Nashville, Tennessee. The gunman killed four people, yet Shaw was able to prevent any other people from getting killed. Shaw was humbled by Boseman's acknowledgment.

The name "Wakanda" comes from the Wakamba tribe of Kenya, also known as the Kamba.

The filmmakers created a unique culture for each of the Wakandan tribes, to get a sense of the country being a mix of different tribes:

  • The Golden Tribe (the royal family) uses a motif of black and a continental symbol for the sun found throughout Africa. They also have panther-themed designs.
  • The Border Tribe was inspired by Lesotho architecture and language. The tribe's symbol is the Lesotho word for "horsemen." Their motif is blue (a national Lesotho color) and wood. They use rhino-themed weapons: attack rhinos, shields and horn-shaped blades. They frequently wear Basotho blankets (the Basotho are the majority in Lesotho).
  • The River Tribe was inspired by the Surma and Mursi of Ethiopia, Nilotic peoples who hail from the River Nile. Their motif is green and shells. They wear crocodile skins and leather.
  • The Mining Tribe was inspired by the Himba and Maasai of southern Africa. Their motif is red and orange. They wear lion-themed designs.
  • The Merchant Tribe was inspired by the Tuareg of the Sahara. Their motif is purple.
  • The Jabari Tribe was inspired by the Bari, Igbo, and Dogon of western Africans, shamanistic naturalist tribes. They wear fur and wood to honor their sacred animal, the gorilla.

The Dora Milaje (female warriors guarding the king) were cast from a pool of actresses, stunt women and Broadway dancers, so that each individual Dora could have specialized skills that they brought to the table. The process of finding these women was so long and difficult that people in the casting department humorously dubbed the search "Finding Dora".

Composer Ludwig Göransson traveled to South Africa and visited the International Library of African Music in Grahamstown to listen to the musical archives "thousands of different tribes in Africa". He also traveled to Senegal and South Africa to record local musicians to form the "base" of the music.

Three out of every five people in Wakanda go barefoot, a deliberate decision by the costuming department.

Despite being released 2 years after Captain America: Civil War (2016) (which marked Black Panther's first appearance in the MCU), the events of this film take place a week after the events of that film.

Director Ryan Coogler brought in consultants who are experts on African history and politics to work on defining Wakanda: "There are many African countries, each with different histories, mythologies, and cultures. There are several tribes who live amongst each other and together they make the identity of their country. We honed in on some of the history/cultural influences from African countries and then made estimations."

Gorilla City, home to the Jabari Tribe, was originally set in a rain forest. Ryan Coogler felt that was too obvious, and suggested that it be set in a snow-covered mountain.

Andy Serkis impressed director Ryan Coogler with his ability to take dives, do falls and throw his body around, all while understanding the parameters of the VFX for his sonic blaster arm cannon, as if his real arm weren't there.

Screenings at the Alamo Drafthouse included a PSA in which Chadwick Boseman stares straight at the camera, warns the audience not to talk or use their phones during the movie, and says that he is always watching. After the credits roll, and the post credit scenes play, the screen would go black for a few seconds, then suddenly cut to a quick extreme close up of Boseman, yelling at the audience, "I am still watching!"

The horse used for the rhino shots was a Clydesdale. They have the same gait as a rhino, so their hips move similarly.

In the comics, Shuri takes over as the Black Panther from T'Challa. This is referenced in the film when she appears to challenge her brother for the throne.

Production designer Hannah Beachler created a 515-page bible on the history of Wakanda.

Erik Killmonger is based on his version in the comics, a Wakandan exile who seeks to overthrow his country, but incorporates elements of T'Shan, T'Challa's envious cousin, and the White Wolf, a relative of the Black Panther who becomes a villainous extremist and wears a Black Panther-styled habit.

(at around 53 mins) T'Challa tells Klaue "Every breath you take is mercy from me." This is a line from Jonathan Hickman's "New Avengers" comic, where he said it to Namor the Sub-Mariner, with whom he was at war.

Wakanda's Warrior Falls are visually based on Iguazu Falls, on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Victoria Falls, on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, and the Oribi Gorge, a canyon in South Africa.

Ludwig Göransson utilized specific West African instruments for the rivalry between T'Challa and Killmonger. For T'Challa he used the talking drum (a drum designed to change pitch by adjusting pressure as you play); for Killmonger he used the tambin flute.

The actresses who played the Dora Milaje had to agree to shave their heads.

Black Panther is the highest grossing non-Avengers film in the MCU and 9th highest-grossing film of all time.

Rondavels (modern buildings that resemble African huts) are seen at the tops of Wakanda's skyscrapers, inspired by the mountains at Blyde River Canyon, South Africa.

Animal shelters have reported adoption rates for black cats increasing following the release of the movie, with many cats being named after the characters.

Black Panther was the first Marvel characters whose movie rights reverted back to Marvel. Artisan Entertainment and Columbia Pictures previously owned the character. Marvel got the rights back in 2005.

In one of the areas where Wakandan glyphs move on translucent walls, one wall is blue and has "4" written on it. This is a homage to the Marvel superhero group the Fantastic Four, in whose comics the Black Panther and Ulysses Klaue made their debut appearances.

Ryan Coogler insisted on bringing in collaborators from his previous films to put his own stamp on the film and differentiate it from other MCU films that he felt were "shot, composed, and edited by the same house people." Coogler brought in cinematographer Rachel Morrison, production designer Hannah Beachler, and composer Ludwig Göransson, who all worked with him on Fruitvale Station (2013). Frequent collaborator Michael B. Jordan was also cast in the film as the main villain, Erikk Killmonger.

Dorothy Steel was treated with great respect when she was on set filming her scenes. At 91 years old, she was considered the resident grandmother. Chadwick Boseman would often give her a hug.

Director Ryan Coogler described Zuri as the Wakandan Obi-Wan Kenobi.

(at around 15 mins) The museum that appears in the early part of the movie, that is supposed to be in Britain, is actually the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia.

Nakia is always in green. The environment is green. It represents her being from the River Tribe and also blending in with the circumstances she sees herself as part of the outside world, even though she's Wakandan.

While scouting in South Africa, the filmmakers came across a rhinoceros named M-20 at a game reserve. They were so impressed by him, they named W'Kabi's rhino in the film after him and gave him an equally impressive horn. They later learned that M-20's horn had to be cut off to protect him from poachers-but his horn lives on in the film.

The first comic book/superhero film in 40 years-- since the original Superman (1978)-- to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Music, Original Score. In fact, "Superman" and "Black Panther" are the only two comic book/superhero films to be nominated in this category, with the latter being the first to receive the award.

The location for the Oakland apartment building was shot in Atlanta, near the church where Martin Luther King is buried. During production, MLK's daughter visited production, shook everyone's hand and blessed the project.

One of very few recent roles for Andy Serkis in which his real face and most of his real body are used; he has become famous for acting in a motion-capture suit, or supplying only a voice.

The Black Panther uniforms seen in the film come from several designs in the character's comic history:

  • T'Chaka's uniform comes from the "Black Panther: Man Without Fear" storyline.
  • the nanomite uniforms come from Ta-Nehisi Coates's Black Panther comic.
  • Killmonger's black and gold uniform was the Panther suit in Christopher Priest's Black Panther comic.

The ancestral plane is known in the comics as the DJalia (named for the djali, a West African ancestral historian), and is formed from the memories of Wakandan citizens.

Killmonger wears a golden version of T'Challa's Black Panther suit, which makes him resemble a leopard. In the comics, he owned a leopard named Preyy.

For her role as Queen Ramonda, Angela Bassett underwent training with Corey Calliet on a special regimen. Calliet created high-intensity interval training circuits for Bassett focused on her lower body, as "the fastest and the most effective way to burn fat": mountain climbers, jump squats, lunges, push-ups and high knees, in intervals of 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, up to an hour at a time.

The first mention of the metal Vibranium in the MCU was in Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) when Steve Rogers curiously uncovers a round shield and Howard Stark clarifies its alloy name and properties. However, in the original Marvel comics Earth-616 continuity, Dr. Myron Mclain created Captain America's shield using a mixture of Vibranium, steel, and an unknown catalyst that was inadvertently included when Mclain fell asleep while working. Upon waking, he discovered the mixture's remarkable strength & properties & named it "Proto-Adamantium". Desperate to recreate the same "accidental" alloy for the U.S. Army to help win World War II, his next attempt resulted in the creation of "True Adamantium" (which is nearly as strong as PA) and was the metal that was bonded to Wolverine's skeleton in the Weapon X program.

According to Hannah Beachler, the circular designs featured throughout Wakanda (suns, rings, etc) represent completeness and eternity.

Costume designer Ruth E. Carter cites the clothes of the Maasai, the Himba, the Dogon, the Basotho, the Tuareg, the Turkana, the Xhosa, the Zulu, the Suma, and the Dinka as influences on Wakanda clothing. Carter also studied the works of contemporary fashion designers Issei Miyake, Yves Saint-Laurent and Donna Karan.

Ryan Coogler says T'Chaka will have a major impact on the Marvel Universe: "T'Challa wants to do something different than his father, but the father was thinking ahead and beyond the boundaries of Wakanda."

The first superhero or comic book movie to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. (It should be noted, however, that it's believed that the Academy changed their Best Picture nominees from 5 to 5-10 after The Dark Knight (2008), a superhero film, and Wall-E (2008) were snubbed at the 2009 Academy Awards).

(at around 2h 5 mins) The mid-credit scene appears to show Wales as an independent member of the United Nations, and omits the United Kingdom completely.

Part of the film is set in Oakland, California, where Ryan Coogler grew up. It was also the setting for his first feature length movie, Fruitvale Station (2013).

One of the most powerful moments and perhaps something you wouldn't normally expect to hear in a superhero film. Black Panther co-writers Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole put it in there assuming Marvel executives would cut it. However, they did the opposite. In fact, they said not just to keep it in, but make the whole movie about that choice. Speaking to the Hollywood Reporter, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recalls reading those lines in the first draft of Black Panther. The exchange, if you recall, is as follows: T'Challa: "I can try to heal you." Killmonger: "Why, so you can lock me up? Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage." "It was one of the best lines we ever read," Feige told THR. "We said, 'There are going to be a lot of revisions, but don't touch that line.' And Ryan said, 'That's the line I thought you'd tell me to cut.' And we said, 'On the contrary, keep it and build more of the movie around it.'"

The horned mask Killmonger wears visually calls back to a mask Killmonger himself wore in a duel with T'Challa in Reginald Hudlin's "Black Panther" comic (which appears in the film), as well as the mask the demon Mephisto wore when he appeared in Christopher Priest's "Black Panther" comic.

Michael B. Jordan initially auditioned for the role of Sam Wilson/The Falcon back in 2013 before being cast in this film three years later. The role was taken by Anthony Mackie, who was also cast in Triple 9 (2016) when Jordan dropped out.

Hannah Beachler became the first black person to be nominated for and to win the Academy Award for Best Production Design.

(at around 1h 26 mins) When Killmonger returns to his childhood apartment and goes through his father's notebook, a handwritten map is briefly shown together with some coordinates and the text "if you can reach these coordinates you have a chance to make it to Wakanda". The coordinates (2 39'30.19" S ; 29 0'29.36" E) is actually in the south-western part of the African Republic of Rwanda; close to the place where the borders of DR Congo, Burundi and Rwanda meets.

T'Challa's new Black Panther suit has the ability to dematerialize and contain itself inside of his tooth necklace. This is exactly the same ability demonstrated by Star Lord's mask in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), as it too can dematerialize and store itself inside a small chip that he keeps behind his ear.

This was the first live-action film to be shown in Saudi Arabia in 35 years. The first film was The Emoji Movie (2017), at a film festival in Jeddah.

Daniel Kaluuya actually fed an apple to a horse during filming. In post-production, the VFX team wrapped a digital rhino around the horse for the final version of the shot.

The Wakandan computer that Ross converses with is named Griot, after a West African historian/storyteller who preserves the history and the culture of a tribe through oral tradition.

This film uses a number of African languages mixed together; not just Xhosa. This includes a fair amount of Kiswahili.

Between takes Letitia Wright amused her co-stars by rapping in Shuri costume and was nicknamed "Baby MC Underbite" by Danai Gurira who encouraged her to do it in the first place.

(at around 39 mins) Shuri cites the self-lacing shoes from the Back to the Future Part II (1989) as her inspiration for the footwear of the upgraded Black Panther costume. Billy Zane appeared in said film, and Billy Zane subsequently played the Phantom, another costumed masked hero based in the jungle, although from syndicated strips rather than comics magazines.

The Wakanda amphitheater was built on a backlot in Atlanta. It was about 120 feet wide and 40 feet tall, with 150,000 gallons of water running through it and a system of tunnels in the back that allowed over 100 extras to access the various elevations. Inspiration for the amphitheater comes from Oribi Gorge, a canyon in southern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with beautiful colors and layered rocks.

The Dora Milaje wears neck rings. These are known as dzilla, and come from the Ndebele people of the southern African regions, where these wives wear these rings as a sign of matrimonial loyalty. This is a tribute to the comics, where the Dora Milaje were meant to serve as wives-in-training to the Black Panther.

In the 2015 London production of the 2009 play Eclipsed, written by Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright played the lead role, known only as "The Girl". In 2016, when the play opened on Broadway, Lupita Nyong'o played "The Girl."

The movie became the top-grossing film in history to be directed and written by African-Americans, and featuring a predominantly black cast, with the first major movie superhero played by an African protagonist.

The cast and stunt team practiced alongside African drums played by musician Jabari Exum so that the action would have a musical quality.

This was the 18th film released by "Marvel Studios" for the "Marvel Cinematic Universe."

The film won 3 Academy Awards for Best Costume Design, Best Production Design and Best Original Score.

T'Chaka and T'Challa are speaking in Xhosa, which is the South African dialect that was used for Wakandan. Celebrated South African actor John Kani, who portrays King T'Chaka, used his native accent when he appeared in Captain America: Civil War (2016), and Chadwick Boseman picked it up from him as well.

Mount Bashenga is where the vibranium reserves are stored and the location of Shuri's lab, Wakanda Design Group, which is production designer Hannah Beachler's favorite set. Shuri, played by Letitia Wright, is the smartest person in Wakanda and is said to be the smartest person in the Marvel Universe.

(at around 1h 13 mins) For the scene when Killmonger barges into the Wakanda throne room and challenges T'challa, Michael B. Jordan said his mental approach to play the scene was as if he was from a low-income neighborhood and had being invited to his rich cousin's house for Thanksgiving.

The Warrior Falls set piece sequence, filmed in Atlanta, became quite problematic in that the 10-hour daily shoots were causing the actors to develop severely bloodshot eyes. At first the production thought the cause may have been due to the chlorine in the water, but that did not check out. It was ultimately determined that lengthy exposure to the sun's overhead rays was further exacerbated by the sun's reflection coming from all the water. Sunglasses with UV protection were eventually required for all actors between takes.

One of the inspirations for Nakia's character was Harriet Tubman. A lot of people don't know that she was a spy; after she went north, she was in the military and worked as a Union spy.

Killmonger's scarification was created through prosthetic makeup. Makeup designer Joel Harlow and three other makeup artists took nearly two-and-a-half hours to apply 90 individually sculpted silicone molds on Michael B. Jordan.

Wakanda's script is primarily based on a Nigerian hieroglyphic writing system called Nsibidi. Hannah Beachler drew additional influences from Latin, Chinese, Arabic, and the African languages of the Dogon and the Mursi.

Chadwick Boseman was two years into his four year battle with colon cancer when this film came out.

Shuri's corset is inspired by the beaded corsets of the Dinka people, one of the largest tribes in South Sudan.

This film marked chapter six of phase three in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

John Singleton was at one point attached to direct a film version of the character, envisioning Chiwetel Ejiofor for the lead. Ejiofor ended up being cast as Mordo in Doctor Strange (2016), which is also part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The opening prologue was in and out of the script, before it was decided to keep it in the film. Sterling K. Brown, who plays N'Jobu, narrates the story of Wakanda to his son N'Jadaka, played by Seth Carr.

There were drafts of the script where W'Kabi and Okoye fought, but we see here that W'Kabi still cares about Wakanda, sees the civil war that's going on, sees Okoye and doesn't want to fight-so he surrenders.

The Wakandan font was designed by production designer Hannah Beachler and graphic designer Zach Fannin. It is a modern take on Nsibidi, an ancient African writing script of symbols and shapes.

Chadwick Boseman, who portrayed the film's title character of Black Panther / T'Challa, became the first lead actor of a Marvel Cinematic Universe film to pass away, when he died of cancer on Friday, August 28, 2020. His death also means that he is the first actor who had portrayed an Avenger in the MCU to pass away.

Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman died on August 28th 2020 at 43 years old after 4-year fight with colon cancer.

On the columns in the throne room are engraved script from an old Nigerian language, which was spotted by one of the actresses on set, who hailed from Nigeria. Production designer Hannah Beachler recounts the experience as validating her work: "She looked at the writing and said that she knew what it said, and she said that it was really beautiful. This is a text from the 5th century in this high-tech setting, and it worked."

On 30 August 2020, ABC showed the film commercial-free along with a tribute to Chadwick Boseman's life and legacy.

The filmmakers cite the crime drama Un prophète (2009), the 1970s films of Francis Ford Coppola and the James Bond films as an influence on the story, describing it as "a big, operatic family drama centered on a world of crime and international espionage."

Ryan Coogler wanted the film to feature the supervillain Kraven the Hunter, who has been a rival of the Panther. However, the character is primarily a Spider-Man enemy and Sony/Columbia Pictures holds the rights to Spider-Man, and so they refused permission. Ironically, Sony/Columbia Pictures used to own the right to Black Panther himself, before selling him back to Marvel in 2005.

The filmmakers designed the mask that Killmonger is "feeling" with a combination of different African animals: the antelope antlers, a simian face and the mane of a lion. It symbolizes the idea that Killmonger himself is an amalgam of different things. It also resembles a mask Killmonger wore in the comics.

This film, about an African superhero, was released in the month of February. February is "Black History Month" in the United States and Canada. In the US, President Gerald Ford recognized a national "Black History Month" in 1976, to celebrate the history, culture, and people of the African diaspora. Canada followed suit in 1995.

As a tribute to Chadwick Boseman, the Marvel Studio intro was changed to honor his life, showing scenes during filming his role as T'Challa/Black Panther

To create the film's score, Ludwig Göransson had a 92-piece live orchestra, a 40-person choir, and over 40 different musicians playing traditional African instruments. Much as the filmmakers had a color story woven throughout the film, there are leitmotifs, which are musical cues representing the characters throughout the film's narrative and which develop alongside them.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America and Iron Man say Howard Stark, Tony Stark's father, extracted all vibranium from Wakanda decades ago. Therefore, in this movie it is revealed that Wakanda has an untapped reserve of vibranium from a meteor crash in the country millions of years ago.

Michael B. Jordan is the second actor who had previously played Johnny Storm/the Human Torch to appear in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film. The first was Chris Evans, who played Johnny Storm in the Tim Story Fantastic Four films and then became Captain America/Steve Rogers in the MCU. Ironically, between this film and Captain America: Civil War (2016), Black Panther will have fought both of them.

The scene with T'Challa confiding in Nakia and looking to her for advice is very personal for director Ryan Coogler, who says it represents situations he has been in with his wife and with his mother when he was young.

Angela Bassett, who plays T'Challa's mother Queen Ramonda, had previously been considered for the role of Ororo Monroe (Storm the weather-controlling mutant and T'Challa's lover) in X-Men (2000).

The Wakandans use displays of nanites (millions of microscopic machines that form different shapes), in contrast to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, who use holograms (Iron Man, Asgard) or viewscreens (Guardians of the Galaxy).

This is the third major superhero film to employ nanite displays, after X-Men (2000) and Man of Steel (2013).

(at around 38 mins) While Shuri may not leave Wakanda often, she reminds us that she is young and connected to the outside world via the internet with her "What are those!?" exclamation for T'Challa's sandals. The line is a nod to a viral Vine meme and is used to call out someone with lame shoes.

(at around 1h 2 mins) The abandoned airfield was a location in Atlanta that Hannah Beachler had seen several years prior and thought would be perfect for this scene. The Cessna plane was originally black before the crew painted it white and again added the blue detailing.

First comic book/superhero film to be nominated for the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama.

(at around 1h 45 mins) The continuous shot shows the expansiveness of the mine and the symbolism of the Underground Railroad, which was designed to resemble heart valves for their fight for the heart of Wakanda.

The filmmakers originally intended to use Wakanda designs based on the art of Marvel artist Jack Kirby, but decided against it as Kirby's work had already been used in Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and the influence would make the Wakandans feel too alien. They instead went with African modernist and futuristic styles for Wakanda.

While M'Baku has been described as an antihero, director Ryan Coogler sees him as a political leader with a strong moral foundation.

When T'Challa wakes from the Ancestral Plane after seeing his father for the first time since his death, there is an extended scene with him and Zuri reflecting on the memory of King T'Chaka.

First film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to win an Academy Award.

(at around 44 mins) Everett Ross tells T'Challa that vibranium linked to the Sokovia attack led back to Klaue. This refers to events that transpired in Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).

The Sambisa Forest scene was filmed on a set the size of a football field in Atlanta, with over 150,000 trees and plants and about 20 tons of red dirt.

Before his speech at the UN, there is an extended scene where Everett Ross expresses misgivings about T'Challa's plan for Wakanda-and humorously tries his best to wish T'Challa luck in Wakandan.

The Dora Milaje wears neck rings. In real life these rings were made of rubber, as wearing actual metal/brass rings would be dangerous and heavy for the actresses.

N'Jadaka uses the alias Erik Stevens throughout the film. This is an appropriate name choice, as both the names Erik and Steven have royal connotations: the name Erik translated from Scandinavian means "powerful ruler" or "king", while the name Steven translated from Greek means "crown" or "royalty".

Chadwick Boseman, who has a martial-arts background, knew what he was in for when he and all the other actors had to attend a "boot camp" to prepare them for the physical aspects of their roles.

"Wakanda" was not a Marvel invention. In the first Tarzan film to star Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan the Ape Man (1932), a large group of tribespeople are referred to as "the Wakandans."

For her role as Queen Ramonda, Angela Bassett wore a special wig, made up of 120 pieces of hair that were literally rolled and handmade into multiple dreadlocks.

This is the second comic-book movie to win an Oscar for Production Design, the first was Batman (1989).

Composer Ludwig Göransson spent a month in Senegal researching and making music with musicians in the region. Instruments such as the "talking drums," the Fula flute, the kora (an African harp) and the vuvuzela (an African horn often used by fans at sporting events) can be heard throughout the film's score.

Maxwell Highsmith (River Tribe Elder), cried like a newborn baby for three hours after his last day (16 days) after leaving the set while driving home. He was not distraught. He was happy that he had participated in something so revolutionary and so ahead of its time.

(at around 45 mins) Klaue says he uses SoundCloud, an online service that provides music. This is a clever homage to how in the comics Klaw (as his name was spelled there) used vibranium to gain the power of manipulating sound.

There was a deleted scene after the UN that showed Wakanda sharing their tech with the world.

Costume designer Ruth E. Carter dispatched shoppers to Ghana and South Africa to find real artifacts, textiles and jewelry, to use as prototypes for the Wakandan clothing and jewelry.

Amandla Stenberg auditioned for Shuri but dropped out because she felt that she wasn't the right fit.

Ayo, played by Florence Kasumba, is second in command of the Dora Milaje and is also seen in Captain America: Civil War (2016) as T'Challa's security chief, where she tells Black Widow, "Move. Or you will be moved."

The gold design harkens back to the herringbone necklace we saw N'Jobu wearing earlier in the film. It is also a nod to the gold version Black Panther wore in the comics.

Hannah Beachler based the Jabari Land's architecture on pointed angular designs, in contrast to the rounded designs of Wakanda. For the Jabari Throne Room, she expressed this concept with the design of logs suspended by ropes pointing to the throne.

Sterling K. Brown claimed that security around script leaks were such that his script pages had to be returned immediately on the day of shooting. One day in which he had accidentally left his copy in his hotel room, he was immediately driven back to his hotel, and followed to his room where he handed over the pages for accounting.

Director Ryan Coogler has described Zuri as Black Panther's Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the comics, Zuri was a powerful warrior who fought alongside his friend T'Chaka. He also became close with Thor in the comic books.

Black Panther is the only MCU film to use a younger actor for the beginning of the film casting Denzel Whitaker instead of using a de aged Forest Whitaker every MCU film has de aged for the past scenes

(at around 43 mins) In the casino at the craps table, Ross bets the "Pass" line and T'Challa bets on the "Don't Pass" line. The two are betting directly against each other with Ross betting the more popular bet and T'Challa the less popular, but statistically better, option.

The character of Everett K Ross is inspired by Family Ties (1982) Alex P Keaton and Friends (1994) Chandler Bing.

Included among the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die", edited by Steven Schneider.

The film was nominated for seven awards for the 2018 MTV & TV Movie Awards which includes Movie Of The Year, Best Hero, Best Villain, Best Fight, Best Scene Stealer, Best Actor, and Best On-Screen Team. It won four: Movie Of The Year, Best Hero, Best Villain, and Best Actor.

As of its win, the soundtrack by Ludwig Göransson becomes the first Academy Award-winning Original or Adapted score in 44 years (since The Great Gatsby (1974)) not to have been released on compact disc.

Was number one at the U.S. box office for five consecutive weeks until the debut of Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) dethroned it.

The filmmakers referred to T'Challa's personal aircraft as the RTF (Royal Talon Fighter). Director Ryan Coogler really liked that the bottom of the aircraft is designed to look like subwoofers.

the cities with War Dogs loyal to Killmonger are the same ones with Sanctum Sanctorums in Doctor Strange (2016).

Technically, the name "Black Panther" is redundant; all panthers are, by definition, black. Once thought to be a separate species, it is now known that panthers are actually leopards, but they aren't solid black. Under the right lighting, their fur is obviously black with black spots.

Ryan Coogler drew influence from the political scenes in Lincoln (2012) for M'Baku's challenge to T'Challa.

Co-stars Lupita Nyong'o and Winston Duke, who play adversaries Nakia and M'Baku, star together in Us (2019) with Nyong'o playing Adelaide Wilson/Red and Duke playing Gabe Wilson/Abraham.

In real life, a few places in Africa get regular snow, including Mount Kenya in Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

First film in four years (the last being Selma (2014)) to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture without another major nomination (i.e. in either the writing, acting, or directing categories).

During a trip to South Africa, the filmmakers decided that some of the skyscrapers in Wakanda should be designed with rondavel tops like you see on African-style huts.

Zuri, played by Forest Whitaker, wears face paint was inspired by shamans and warriors in Papua New Guinea.

Chadwick Boseman passed away on August 28th, 2020 after a private 4 year battle with colon cancer.

The film is the 33rd film to pass the $1 billion mark at the global box office. It took just 24 days to do so.

With the film premiering in February 2018, this is the earliest release ever for a Marvel Cinematic Universe film.

In the scene in the R&D lab the filmmakers hint at there being two black panthers with the new suits Shuri has designed to replace T'Challa's original design. In the comics, T'Challa is a scientist as well, but Shuri is far more skilled.

This is Kendrick Lamar's first time curating a soundtrack for a blockbuster film, which he did in collaboration with Anthony Tiffith, CEO of Top Dawg Entertainment. In addition, the artist recorded vocals for several of the album's tracks, including Pray For Me, King's Dead, and All The Stars.

The Wakandan warriors have their tattoos on the inside of their lower lip. This is reminiscent of Blade II (2002), when a character has a tattoo in the same spot which reveals his allegiance. Both Blade and Black Panther are Marvel properties.

Between this film and Captain America: Civil War (2016), Black Panther is the first superhero to have both/all of his theatrical film appearances earn $1 billion in the worldwide box office.

The rhino battle scene is a callback to the comics where Black Panther takes down a rhino in Don McGregor's "Panther's Rage" story arc.

In one of director Ryan Coogler's favorite musical moments from Ludwig Göransson's score, we hear the choir sing Kumkani, Kumkani wethu," which is "our king" in Xhosa, and here it's mixed with T'Challa's theme.

The first appearance of Black Panther in a film was almost 30 years prior to this movie, in Do the Right Thing (1989). One of the characters, Punchy, is a Black Panther fan. In one memorable scene, he refuses to boycott Sal's Pizzeria and holds up a Black Panther comic book saying, "Black Panther eat pizza, we eat pizza." The director of that film, Spike Lee, attended an early screening of this movie at BAM's Harvey Theater in Brooklyn.

According to designer Till Nowak, beneath the council room's glass floor is an ancient temple; the design represents the combination of the modern with the old.

Atlanta artist Brandon Sadler designed and painted the piece on the core in Shuri's lab.

John Kani and Florence Kasumba, who play allies T'Chaka and Ayo in this film, appear in The Lion King (2019) (also an African royal tale) as adversaries Rafiki the Baboon and Shenzi the Hyena.

Costume designer Ruth E. Carter drew inspiration for the costumes of the Jabari tribe from the clothing of the Dogon people, a tribe living in the central plateau region of Mali, in West Africa. Her design approach for the film was keeping the costumes rich with African custom by looking at the whole continent and a wide range of people but elevating it to reflect the fantastical elements inherent in the mysterious country and culture.

Ryan Coogler was 31 at the time of this film's release, making him the youngest person to direct an MCU film. The previous record holder was Jon Watts, who was 36 at the time of Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)'s release.

On the commentary, Ryan Coogler praises almost every cast member who appears on the screen, but he appears especially impressed by Andy Serkis (Ulysses Klaue). "Geez what an actor. He would do physical things that were insane. Just having that kind of body control and knowing the parameters of visual effects I've never seen anything like it. He was so impressive every day."

The stripe across T'Challa's forehead is a shout-out to The Lion King (1994).

The filmmakers had braai, South African barbequed meat, prepared by people who understood how to cook it. They wanted viewers to feel the tradition, to feel that it was real, like they could go to Wakanda after they saw the film.

(at around 16 mins) In the museum scene the curator mentioned that the artifact was from Edo, Benin. Edo is a state in Nigeria, Benin city its capital.

It was important to director Ryan Coogler to see people of all ages and walks of life, his thinking being that a place isn't real until you see the people who give it life. Where do the 20- and 30-year-olds hang out, what do they do and what do they eat.

Concept artist Till Nowak's favourite set designs were the Tribal Council and the Jabari Throne Room.

Angela Bassett previously starred in Panther (1995), about the Black Panther movement in the 1960's and 1970's.

Noel Clarke was turned down by Marvel for the role of Black Panther and writing the film.

The opening sequence showing the history of Wakanda via CG was in and out of the script several times before they finally decided it was a necessary piece of the story.

Shuri's fake-out in pretending to challenge T'Challa was suggested by Donald Glover.

(at around 9 mins) When we first meet Nakia, played by Lupita Nyong'o, she's hiding in plain sight, which sets up the idea of espionage- that you can't tell Wakandans apart from other people from the continent.

First film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be finished at a 4K digital intermediate, although it was shot at a 3.4K source. All 17 previous films were finished at 2K (including Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)., despite that film being the first MCU film to be released on the 4K UHD format).

Nabiyah Be initially announced that she was playing criminal Tilda Johnson, but her character was simply named Linda in the final film due to Johnson appearing in the second season of Luke Cage (2016).

Director Ryan Coogler grew up in Oakland, which is also the birthplace of the Black Panther Party, formed in 1966 a few months after Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced Black Panther in Fantastic Four Vol. 1, Issue 52.

The movie has achieved multiple records since achieving the billion-dollar mark. The first of 2018 in terms of the first non-sequel, non-prequel, non-remake and non-spin-off live-action film since Avatar (2009). It's also the first one including animated features since Zootopia (2016) (also released by Disney) to do so. And the first non-sequel superhero movie since The Avengers (2012).

(at around 1h 4 mins) Ryan Coogler considers this one of the most important scenes in the film. He had a chance to show an early cut of the film to Francis Ford Coppola, whose work inspires him. When the film ended, Coppola said, "Rewind it back to the scene when everything changed" and Coogler knew exactly what he was talking about.

(at around 1h 45 mins) The crew built about 60 feet of the train set, along with the 14-foot-tall stabilizer lights, which were real.

The Oakland-set scene was actually filmed in Atlanta across from the park where Martin Luther King Jr. is buried. While they were filming, King's daughter came to set, "shook everybody's hand and blessed the project.. it was pretty intense." Ryan Coogler said.

Production Designer Hannah Beachler's "bible" detailing every nook and cranny of Black Panther's world is 515 pages.

One of the inspirations behind the challenge scene between M'Baku and T'Challa was Steven Spielberg's Lincoln (2012). Ryan Coogler was moved and engaged by how interesting and "animated" Spielberg made the political conversations.

The palace is built atop a pyramid inspired by early ones in the country of Mali. "A lot of the mud palaces and pyramids in Mali date back before 4th century," the production designer said. "They're very old," she says before adding "don't quote me on that one."

Uber-producer Kevin Feige told Ryan Coogler while they were in the editing room that M'Baku's deference to T'Challa when offered the opportunity to become the Black Panther is the most honorable thing to ever happen in the Marvel universe.

Notice Wakanda's Princess Shuri with her hair in two side buns, in what appears to be an homage to another famous Princess, Leia.

The big car crash is practical, as is much of the stuff through the streets of Busan, South Korea, which is mixed in with shots from Atlanta.

Raw Leiba was considered for the role of Erik Killmonger.

They used costumes and production design to tell a "color story" for the characters. Zuri for example, both young and old, wears purple as it "represents spirituality, royalty, high rank." Blue is the color of colonization, so almost everyone in the London sequence is wearing it, and there's even a blue tint on the image.

They had to manipulate the Marvel logo music to get it to sync up with the cut.

While they were scouting landscapes and locales in South Africa, Ryan Coogler was introduced to a rhinoceros named 'M20' at a wildlife preserve, "and he was the most impressive thing I've ever seen in my life." He heard later that they had to remove its horn to protect the creature from poachers. W'Kabi's rhino is named M20 after the real-life one, but in the film it's actually a horse he's feeding the apple to which they then overlayed with a CG rhino.

T'Challa's conversation with Zuri where he gets the truth about his father and uncle is the most important scene in the film to Ryan Coogler. Francis Ford Coppola agrees, and when he watched an early cut of the film he immediately asked to watch this scene again.

It's not made explicitly clear in the film, but the early scene of Killmonger's father N'Jobu shows him making plans to break the boy's mother out of jail. They don't succeed, clearly, and she ends up passing away behind bars leaving young Killmonger to grow up with neither parent.

Killmonger is partially inspired by a veteran Ryan Coogler once met in New York City who shared some stories about his time in the service. "It was about the pain and the matter-of-factness to it that stuck to me."

Harriet Tubman was a big inspiration for the character of Nakia.

Ryan Coogler sees the challenge's end T'Challa being tossed to his death over the waterfall as him "paying for sins he didn't commit," and while that's true there's something to be said for his silence after learning the truth about his cousin. He could have spoken to Killmonger privately, he could have extended compassion and a plea for forgiveness, but instead he treats Killmonger like an invader. T'Challa may not have committed the original sin, but he allows it to continue.

Winston Duke improvised the gorilla chant during the scene where Everett Ross attempts to talk to him.

Hannah Beachler asked Ryan Coogler if he'd describe M'Baku as an antihero. "I try not to look at it like that. I guess you could, but for me, he's a political leader. That's who he is." he said.

Ryan Coogler suggests Shuri might someday be a warrior queen, but he doesn't go as far as saying she could be the next Black Panther.

Ryan Coogler's wife suggested Killmonger express his fear of being locked away behind bars at the end.

Shooting locations for these plate shots included South Africa, Winterton (in northern KwaZulu-Natal by the Sentinel mountains and the Lesotho border), and also in Zambia and Uganda, including the impenetrable forest that we see as the ship goes through the hologram into Wakanda.

The big car chase through Busan consists of elements filmed in Atlanta and South Korea.

T'Challa's "ancestral plain" where he goes in his mind while beneath the sand is the open and vast African landscape, but Killmonger's is a room with walls. It fits the narrative, but it's also meant to be symbolic of their competing mindsets.

Everything except the ceiling in the casino was practical.

This location in South Africa is called Three Rondovals-the World's End viewpoint. The crew stood there during a scout, taking it all in and feeling extremely emotional about where they were.

(at around 1h 40 mins) The crew built this set with poured concrete. They sliced the top off a hill and dug a giant hole in it. It's about 100 feet in diameter and about 8 feet from the platform to the top of the steps, and they built about 30 feet of the actual building with the rest added in VFX.

There was a deleted scene where Black Panther got all of the devices back, but it was cut for movement and timing purposes.

The leader of the convoy is played by Bambadjan Bamba; he's a Dreamer who came forward and spoke about working in the industry as an immigrant.

Samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth, was a big inspiration for City of the Dead.

Killmonger's appearance was based in part on Tupac's look.

The attack on the African kidnappers in their column of cars/trucks was filmed on a set in Atlanta the size of a football field, and the brought in over 150k plants and trees and 20 tons of dirt.

The tense talk between Nakia and Okoye after Killmonger "kills" T'Challa was partially improvised between the two actors.

The handwriting in the Wakanda book Killmonger pulls from the wall is Beachler's.

Earlier drafts featured Okoye and W'Kabi actually come to blows on the battlefield, but they whittled it down to his self-realization that his love for Wakanda is more important than his grudge.

Originally in the comics, Klaw loses his right hand and it's later outfitted with a sonic emitter prosthetic. In the movie it was switched to his left hand because Andy Serkis is left handed.

Controversial filmmaker Gaspar Noé was invited to the premiere of the film, but walked out after only 20 minutes. He's since gone on record in stating that he hates Marvel films.

Ryan Coogler doesn't address why the world's most advanced country/society determines their ruler with a fist fight.

The chase scenes with the cars lifting off the ground feel a bit like Bullitt (1968), in that the streets reminded director Ryan Coogler of San Francisco, near his Bay Area home.

(at around 1h 55 mins) This scene reminded Ryan Coogler of being a kid and fighting with his siblings-getting to that moment where you are fighting, you maybe hit them too hard and they fall. Here he wanted to capture the darkest version of that when we see Killmonger snap back to being a kid and T'Challa not wanting to leave him there to die.

The movie opens with a scene of kids playing basketball in Oakland in the year 1992. In 1992, screenwriter Joe Robert Cole was a student at the University of California in nearby Berkeley and played on Cal's "Club" or "Blue" basketball team, the university's version of a JV team. He started at point guard for three years.

Ryan Coogler doesn't address why Killmonger is allowed to kill Zuri during the challenge with T'Challa and not face any consequences.

The filmmakers always saw W'Kabi as having run Killmonger's DNA perhaps in some hut before he brought him here.

Featured in "The A to Z of Superhero Movies: From Abar to ZsaZsa via the MCU", written by Rob Hill.

David S. Lee plays named Limbani. One of John Kani's early movie roles was in The Wild Geese (1978), where he played a member of a mercenary team hired to rescue an African political leader named Julius Limbani.

(at around 1h 30 mins) Although there were some VFX added, this shot was done practical in a quarry in Atlanta where the crew covered everything with 500-700 feet of snow.

(at around 29 mins) The filmmakers refer to this as a Jesse James warping effect, almost a tilt-shift lens effect, which is a shout-out to cinematographer Roger Deakins.


Stan Lee: (at around 44 mins) a casino guest.


The trivia items below may give away important plot points.

When N'Jobu and James/Young Zuri talk over the paperwork in the beginning of the film, they're trying to figure out a way to break the woman N'Jobu fell in love with out of prison. The idea is that they never got her out, so she passed away in prison, leaving Killmonger without a mother as well.

Co-stars Lupita Nyong'o and Winston Duke, who play adversaries Nakia and M'Baku, were students at the Yale School of Drama at the same time (Nyong'o was Class of '12 and Duke was Class of '13). They saw The Avengers (2012) together when it released, and were so awestruck by it they said hoped to get a chance to star in a similar film one day. Duke, in fact, would later return as M'Baku in the Avengers sequel Avengers: Infinity War (2018).

(at around 1h 55 mins) After the climactic battle scene, there is a quick shot of the elders' room. M'Baku is seen amongst the other tribe elders. This shows that T'Challa united all five tribes of Wakanda.

The movie makes reference to the kidnapped girls in the Sambisa forest of Nigeria.

(at around 2h 10 mins) Bucky is given the title of the White Wolf. In the comics, the White Wolf was a white man who was adopted and raised in Wakanda. Bucky is not adopted in the film, but he is accepted by some Wakandan citizens.

M'Baku is known in the comics as the Man-Ape. The filmmakers decided to leave that title out of the film to avoid it being used as an insult, and because his character in the film is more heroic than the comic-book version.

There are two post credit scenes. The first shows T'Challa making a speech at the United Nations, telling the world that Wakanda will now intend to share their knowledge and power. The second shows Bucky awake and well, living in the outskirts of Wakanda. Shuri asks after his health, before telling him that he has much to learn.

N'Jadaka plans for Wakanda to send weapons to London, New York and Hong Kong, the site of attacks from otherworldly beings. The Chitauri attacked New York in The Avengers (2012), the Dark Elves attacked London in Thor: The Dark World (2013), and Dormammu invaded Hong Kong in Doctor Strange (2016). Additionally, in Doctor Strange, a sanctum is located in each of the 3 said cities.

In the comics, Nakia went rogue and became the supervillain Malice. Lupita Nyong'o has said that Nakia will stay a member of the Wakandan guard.

During post-production, editor Debbie Berman told Ryan Coogler that the female Dora Milaje's rescue by the all-male Jabari, in her opinion, undermined the focus on the strong female characters in the film. Coogler agreed, and subsequently added female Jabari fighters to the scene through additional photography, including the first onscreen Jabari fighter in the scene. Berman felt that this was an important change that might not have been spotted by a male editor.

(at around 24 mins) In the film, Black Panther's rival M'Baku says "Glory to Hanuman". Hanuman belongs to Hindu mythology, a heroic monkey god of strength. In the comics M'Baku worships Ghekre the gorilla god of judgement; the change was probably made to symbolize M'Baku being a heroic ally, and foreshadows his coming to assist T'Challa in the film. The name was edited out when the film was released in India, to make sure Hindu sensibilities were not offended.

The Black Panther suit is upgraded in this film to bear mystic runes. This is based on the "Doomwar" storyline, where T'Challa developed magical tactics to not rely on his nation's resources of vibranium.

Killmonger's statement "The sun will never set on the Wakandan empire" is taken directly from the saying about the British in the 19th century.The British Empire had colonies on almost every continent around the globe (Antarctica is a continent), the sun was always shining on some geographic part of the empire. T'Challa directly points out this fallacy to Killmonger when he says "You want to see us become just like the people you hate so much! Divide and conquer, just as they did!"

When Agent Ross gets shot and taken back to Wakanda, Shuri talks about another white boy to heal. She is referring to Bucky Barnes being taken to Wakanda after he was brainwashed and thought to have killed T'Chaka, T'Challa's father.

At the end of the chase scene in Busan, Klaue repeatedly uses his arm-cannon to cause impressive damage and attacks. Every time he does, it makes the same noise as one of Iron Man's repulsor weapons. It's possible that the sound effect is intentional since Klaue originally did business with Tony Stark in his arms manufacturing days and he might have reverse-engineered Iron Man technology to power the arm-cannon.

(at around 1h 14 mins) Erik Killmonger's ideologies closely compare to those of Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam (Black Muslim), in that he believes that the persecution of and racial discrimination against those of African heritage should be retaliated against by violent revolution. In addition, his father, N'Jobu, complains that the local black men of his time were "overly policed and incarcerated", which reflects the complaints of the Black Panther Party that started in 1966.

According to the script, Erik originally had one more line before dies which he says, "It's beautiful, but what are you going to do for everybody in the world who can't see this?" The UN post-credits scene was the original planned ending for the film, taking place immediately after that. However, co-editor Michael P. Shawver said that line posed problems and had to be removed as it didn't fit the character. To resolve that, the current Oakland ending with T'Challa's resolution to start a Wakanda outreach program was added as bookmarking the opening and in spirit, to the cut line that Killmonger told him. Ryan Coogler and Shawver went through the top 10 lists of best endings for movies and found that the closing scene of The Godfather (1972) as the closest to the problem of closing the film properly.

(at around 2 mins) In the opening scene, one of the young children playing basketball calls another child as "E", a common nickname for the name Erik. This is a clue that one of the children is Erik Killmonger.

In the comics, T'Challa's uncle was called S'Yan. In the film, his uncle is called N'Jobu.

No other Avengers appear in the movie, although Bucky Barnes pops up in the post-credits scene.

This is one of two 2018 films in which Michael B. Jordan plays a character fighting the son of a man who killed his character's father. The other was Creed II (2018).

Erik is an ancient Norse name which can mean either "eternal ruler" or "honorable king". Ironic as Erik Killmonger/N'Jadaka rules Wakanda very briefly and ruthlessly.

T'Challa is buried in a pose similar to a lot of poses seen in Africa and West African sculptures, where arms are folded over like this. It's kind of a "Wakanda Forever" salute, which also means a hug or love in American Sign Language.

(at around 1h 29 mins) One of director Ryan Coogler's favorite shots in the film is of Killmonger taking the throne. Even with the power of the Dora Milaje behind him, there are still two panthers flanking him in the scene.

The film majorly uses the colors of black, red and green, the traditional colors in African culture.

Additionally, the color blue, commonly used in Western/Eurpoean culture, is used to represent the outsiders or out-of-place elements in Wakanda:

  • The alien metal anium has a blue glow.
  • Klaue, Ross and Killmonger - foreigners to Wakanda - all wear blue clothes at some point in the film.
  • W'Kabi and the Border Tribe have a blue uniform. W'Kabi turns against T'Challa and leads his tribe against him.
  • MBaku's lair is set in the mountains, amidst a blue sky. MBaku starts out a rival of T'Challa, but later becomes his ally.
  • Shuri's laboratory features blue displays. She stands out as being an engineering genius.
  • When Ramonda goes to the Jabari for asylum, she wears a blue cloth.

Black Panther Wakanda Metal Concept Art Movie


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