GET "Tongue twisters on the Cardboard." Part 2: Promotion in the Russian App Store / Online Science Classroom Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

Today we will talk about the promotion in the Russian App Entrepot using the example of the practical application " Tongue twisters on a cardboard ". Since the writing of the previous post, we have accumulated sufficient stuff, and immediately we need to share go through with readers.


Recall that the main object audience of the application is children, and there are a amoun of limitations to the monetisation of children's applications:
• collective-in advertising. Parents are highly negative about banners inside children's applications.
• in-app purchases. There are cases when children fagged thousands of euros on an in-app purchase. Therefore, galore parents do not trust in-game shopping apps.

If you consider the Pinnacle ticket booth apps in the Education class, we'll view that single 10% of them are free (not including language, obviously not for non-children). Most successful educational products are distributed according to the Insurance premium model, when the substance abuser pays for the full version.
Contempt this, we decided to experimentation and release 2 versions of the application:
• unfreeze with an upgrade fully version, that is, with right one IAP. As our see has shown, the availability of a free version increases winnings by 20-30%.
• paid version for users who prefer Premium.

App Store Optimisation

Like most of our applications, the tongue twister collection is a niche product with a quite narrow audience. Therefore, when promoting, we pay great care to search engine optimization (ASO). The essence of ASO is to choose the right name and keywords. The hub already has detailed articles on the topic of ASO , so we will not linger over this. We only outline a identification number of observations from individualized experience:

• The App Store does non understand case declensions and the plural. For example, the application "Russian knife twisters" will not live searched for "Russian language". Therefore, keywords must on the button match your search interrogation.

• Only 100 characters can be added to the keyword field. But do not forget about the call, which will suit some other 140 characters of the Cyrillic alphabet. Although some apps with keywords in the titles stimulate Rule out from Orchard apple tree, very often this method works. So, more than uncomplete of our applications calmly passed the examination and bring a sure income.

For an illustration, we give a sense modality picture:


After we added keywords to the name, the number of installations hyperbolic by 30%.

Tops of Russian App Entrepot

Our first goal was to get into the top 5 of the Education category, to look at the application program's organics and its monetisation. As for the general uppermost, it is extremely difficult for a training application to compete with other categories here. If you look at the top 100 paid, unhampered and John Cash applications, you can see that only 2-3% of educational programs receive there.
First of all, we sent out letters to State inspection sites. Naturally, the intense goal is to release on popular resources: , , , , , Other sites do not bring much effect, so IT makes sense to publish on them only free of charge. Thus, we sent letters to 80 resources and standard 12 free reviews. Great luck was the resolution from , who in agreement to write a paid review of the application. Issue happening this resource brought 3000 installations per day and contributed to getting to the superior:
• # 1 Top Free Education Russia
• # 108 Top Free Overall Russia
Gum olibanum, we reached our first goal. The application got into the overstep of Education Department and even came close to the whole best 100. Notwithstandin, the organics of the lotion off dead to be get down than we expected: in 10 days, the application left Top-10 Instruction and Top-300 Overall.

Next, we analyzed the effect of the reviews and the top: conversion, and thus ARPU, decreased by 2 times. Having considered how much it will cost to get to the top side of Breeding done the purchase of installations from flurry and chartboost , we came to the finish that so much a promotion method for tongue twisters would atomic number 4 unsuccessful.

SMM promotion

At the future stage, we decided to attract an interview with the help of a contest: "Send a tongue cruller and win an iPad Mini." To do this, they free an application update and added the plane section "Kinfolk Art" in which users can leave their tongue twisters. The author of the well-nig novel spit twister receives a prize - iPad Mini.
The mechanics of the contender were not the easiest:
1) Download the coating from the App Depot or Google Work ;
2) Share it with your friends VKontakte or Facebook;
3) Go a penis of the Online Science Classroom group on Facebook or VK ;
4) Leave your spit twister in the chemical group.

All tongue twisters undergo moderateness, after which the unexceeded of them are added to the application.
It was decided to promote the contest using SMM (Social Media Marketing, or promotion on social networks). In the beginning, we known the target audience - parents and users of mobile devices. Past we made a list of touristy VKontakte communities with the selected Central Asia and agreed on the publication of posts. As a rule, all communities place only paid advertising, unless you are interested in their profitable offer. The price of 1 post depends on the enumerate of subscribers:
•> 1,000,000 participants = 800–2500 rubles.
• 300,000 participants = 600–800 rubles.
• 50,000 participants = 150–250 rubles.
• <50,000 participants = 50–100 rubles.

Posts in small groups (less than 10,000 subscribers) do not convey set up, so paid advertising in them is useless.
The Best time for displaying ads is 19–23 hours. At this clock time, the most lively users.
When choosing a community, it is necessary to take into calculate the tailing characteristics:
• enumerate of unique visitors per day
• user activity: number of likes, reposts and comments
• socio-demographic indicators: gender, age, region
• content theme and style
• group development kinetics

After the contention, drug user activity the group has grown significantly, but this did non affect the application settings untold.

Summing up, we can close that the holding of contests along social networks for the all but part helps to draw subscribers to the community, and not to the application. At the Lapplander time, the contest should have simple mechanism and a cheap simply effective prime.

That's all for now, but we are non going to stop: we plan to amend the application and look for freshly ways to advertise information technology.
We are pleased to hear your comments and ideas.

Always yours,
Online Science Classroom


GET "Tongue twisters on the Cardboard." Part 2: Promotion in the Russian App Store / Online Science Classroom Blog / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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