GET The reasons and advantages of the third Baihuist way of using SQLite in Node.js / Sudo Null IT News FREE

The bearers of Acid Python believe that in that location should embody one

(and, rather,

only one) unmistakable way to achieve the desired.

And those who comprehend the tilt of Node.js modules nates be convinced that the creators of these modules are spiritually nigher

not to Zen Buddhists, but to Baihuists -

to fans of the Baihua Undong movement

(百花 Ма),

proclaimed by Mao in 1957 supported classical Chinese poems "let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools compete", beginning with the words "Baic hua"


"hundred flowers"). In different dustup, modules for Node.js provide, as a rule, severalways to do the same thing, and from them the consumer chooses the method that is virtually suitable for him.

But why is in that location No one way that would glucinium suitable for everyone?

I propose to consider the respond to this question using an example of victimization a SQLite database.

The engine Node.js (unlike, for example,

from JSDB )

is unpowered means to access SQLite bases, providing its implementation module side. The most popular of these is the sqlite3 faculty , supported past the well-known map company MapBox . It has,

according to npm statistics ,

tens of thousands of downloads per calendar month.

Looking at him intently, it is easy to get word that the code of this popular module is not solely javascript. It is supported connecting the source (sishnogo) code SQLite as compiled additions (addon) for Thickening.


is not the reason for the module's wide suitability:

for Linux

and Mac OS X, tools for building programs are abundant, but for Windows the need to fulfil the requirements of

node-gyp is

sometimes very painful. A unscheduled problem is the


variant of Windows, which requires not exclusive Microsoft Visual Studio

C ++ 2010

to build minimal brain dysfunction-ons

(the free

Express version is



but too the weighty Windows 7

64-bit SDK, the ISO picture of

which occupies more 570 megabytes.

In response to this incommodiousness, a second way of using SQLite in Node appeared - the

node-sqlite-purejs module ,

whose code does not require fabrication, because it consists (which is reflected in the module name) of pure javascript executed directly aside the Node engine. This code is settled on the


script that Alon Zakai (creator of Emscripten) accepted by going SQLite code through Emscripten - I mentioned this achievement on Habrahabr in March last (2012).

Unfortunately, the lack of C code is almost the only advantage of this faculty: it expects to wish much better in terms of constancy, and the heel of unresolved problems includes information loss and the impossibility of soft closedown. All this is because in the process of mechanical translation from C JavaScript codification was


forfeited an atomic dealings, SQLite is the main useful material possession. Until this problem is solved, we can sadly consider this second method to be a dead closing.

More recently (last week on Sunday - October 27) IT became accomplishable to interpret in the nodejs google groupabout the emergence of a tierce way to use SQLite in Lymph node, devoid of the main disadvantages of both of its predecessors. This late module

( opendatabase )

does not contain SQLite code in either javascript or even javascript manakin - instead, it calls the sqlite program (called


connected Windows


through the good old command line interface, dumping

SQL queries

into it and parsing it with javascript her response.

It is easy to guess that this module will not require tools for compilation and assembly (which the mapbox module sqlite3 needed): scarcely download the sqlite programfrom the SQLite web site in a terminated form. For the synoptical reason, there wish be no problems with imperfect implementations



in node-sqlite-purejs

): the downloaded program contains an formalised effectuation.

That is wherefore in this module I see the triumph of the Baihuist principle of diversity and co-prosperity, erst again confirming the correctness of the Island dictum

" ibu ibudi- huydao mudi "

("一步 一步 地 会 到 目的", "gradually you can reach the end").

To this third faculty I canful reproach but the placement of its source on Bitbucketand in Mercurial (and not connected Github and Git, like most other Node modules), which is eery for ME (which means that it will make information technology indocile to familiarize yourself with the guts and capabilities of the faculty, IT will get in difficult to observe track of its further development). Some other programmers (more familiar with Bitbucket and Changeful) probably will non find this shortcoming significant (but when looking the source they will encounte, perhaps, other shortcomings that I still put on't know). I have non yet read the source encipher of this module, so here my story ends.


GET The reasons and advantages of the third Baihuist way of using SQLite in Node.js / Sudo Null IT News FREE

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