Aqua Tech 5 15 Bio Fiber Replacement

I have 8 danios ( mini piranhas if you ask me the way they frenzy at feeding time) and i have a hard time getting food to my corys as well.
Flyfishas pipe idea sounds great for your situation , won't work with mine , danios are smaller.

I feed everyone at the same time, i get the danios on their frenzy with their food on one side of the tank and slip the corys wafers down the other side. It works most of the time just corys don't get all of theirs cause the danios finish first and then go pick at the corys but i know they are getting enough.

My real concern is why they are dying almost as as soon as you put them in.

I know your last number, said you were cycled. I just wanna make sure the tank is still cycled. And do you have a heater?

The next thing would be is how often do you water change? if you don't water change enough and often enough it will leave you with a low kh and a low GH. with a low kh the PH will also drop. Your other fish will likely have no issues,with this as the change happens in the tank slow enough for them to regulate. However if this is the case and you do a large water change now and haven't in a while you could shock your older fish as well. Before you do large water change let us know what water change schedule has been , how much how often.
If it's been a while you may have to do much smaller changes over 1-2 days to get you gh and kh back up to your source water parameters with out shocking fish.

As to new fish, If the difference in your tanks. GH, kh and ph are too different from that of store tanks , the fish will go into osmotic shock and could die from the difference in osmosis pressure. If it can't regulate to that new pressure fast enough.

When ever i buy fish i ask for an empty container of their tank water as well so i can know how long to acclimate.

I have my water boosted to a 5 dgh , 3 dkh and ph is 7.6.

The store i get my fish from doesn't add anything so they have the same main water supply as ne basically before i add anything.
So their gh is 2 degrees lower at 3dgh, and kh is 2dkh and ph is 7.4.
Now the ph difference isn't too bad but that difference in gh could shock a fish , and if difference was bigger the osmotic shock could kill it.

I put bags ( still sealed) floating in tank to match temp for 5 minutes. Thrn i open bags but leave thrm hanging by clipping thrm to the side of my tank. I start by pouring about 2 tablespoons of my tank water into the bag every 5 minutes. Once bag starts getting full I dump half the water in a bucket , then repeat this time using 4tbs or 1/4 cup of my tank water into their bag every 5-10 minutes. Once I'm.sure they have more of my water then bag water i dump the bag water into a bucket through a net so i catch the fish then release fidh in my tank . It takes about an hour for this but I'm only 2 degrees different . If it was more of a difference id do longer acclimation with smaller amounts of my water at a time .

Some shrimp.keeper will use an airhose and drip acclimate their most sensitive shrimp for 24 hours one drip at a time .

Aqua Tech 5 15 Bio Fiber Replacement


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